Relacja pomiędzy znakami a wiarą w Jezusa w świetle czwartej Ewangelii

  • Grzegorz Szubtarski KUL, Lublin
Słowa kluczowe: Jezus, znaki, wiara, czwarta Ewangelia


This article is an attempt at showing the relationship between the signs made by Jesus and human faith on the basis of the fourth gospel. In the first stage, the author carries out an analysis of the biblical word ,,sign “. He contends that, due to its deeper meaning, it should not be equated with a miracle. In the Bible ,,sign” refers to an act of God’s intervention, aimed at leading man to faith. Further analyses reveal a specific understanding of the word ,,sign” as understood by the fourth evangelist. The signs made by Jesus do not impose faith on man but invite to it. The good will and openness on the part of man play a crucial role here.

Biografia autora

Grzegorz Szubtarski, KUL, Lublin

doktorant przy Katedrze Chrystologii Fundamentalnej w Instytucie Teologii Fundamentalnej KUL,  magistrant na Instytucie Prawa Kanonicznego na Wydziale Prawa, Prawa  Kanonicznego i Administracji KUL.


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